Wolfkamp & Stone - Kupe And Te Wheke - Enamel Mug
Wolfkamp & Stone - Kupe And Te Wheke - Enamel Mug
281 Stafford Street, Timaru
281 Stafford Street
Timaru 7910
New Zealand
Enamel mug with a black rim coloured decals.
Dishwasher safe
Not suitable for microwave.
Size: 90mm diameter x 80mm high
Designed in New Zealand by Tanya Wolfkamp, made in China
The images on this cup portray the tale of Kupe and the giant octopus, Te Wheke o Muturangi. Kupe was a leader, navigator, and fisherman who lived in the Māori homeland of Hawaiki. One day he noticed their fishing nets had been damaged and the bait eaten from their hooks. Kupe confronted a rival chief, Muturangi, about his giant pet octopus stealing their catch. Muturangi rebuffed Kupe, who vowed to kill the creature. Kupe and his crew chased the octopus across the Pacific ocean. Kupe’s wife Hine-te-aparangi, saw a white cloud which indicated land. This inspired Kupe to name the land Ao-tea-roa (Land of the long white cloud). Kupe confronted the great octopus at Te Moana o Raukawa (Cook Strait) where, after a long battle, he and his crew were victorious, killing Te Wheke o Muturangi.